I usually add the Seasoned shredded dried pork to my instant noodles, mushroom soup, and white rice. Simple, quick, and easy for someone who doesn't like to cook.
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Cannot find it at Costco for more than 6 months!
Are you still selling them at Costco? I have been looking for them and I cannot find them for more than 6 months!!
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes:Good product
Improvements:No improve.
Shredded dried pork
Yu-Chi Ho
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes:I have repeatedly order this product.
Shredded Dry Pork
One of the several kinds shredded Dry Pork. Reasonable price and satisfying.
Wendy Lau
NPS score:
0 (Not at all likely)
10 (Extremely likely)
Likes:It is well worth the price that I paid, because the jar is huge!
Improvements:I wish Golden Nest can offer more different variations of this product!
Seasoned Shredded Dried Pork
The Seasoned Shredded Dried Pork is yummy and very tender. I can just put it on some jasmine or sushi rice and it’s a nice tasty lunch for me!